Saturday, October 17, 2015

Top Gun Pink Out Game 1: 919 Nationals 13, South Wake Storm 4

Play began early Saturday morning in the ice cream mecca of Angier, as 919 broke out the knickers to take on the South Wake Storm in the first game of the day. Always looking to earn his exorbitant reasonable paycheck, Coach Sean arrived with a new invention: TABs. Here's a look at the lineup card from Saturday, along with the TABs listed below:

TABs, as you probably figured out, are Team At Bats--at bats that help the team, in other words. The full list of at-bats that qualify for a TAB are listed in the photo below. Coach Sean, who will be giving a test on each category on Sunday (winner gets a new RV!), challenged the Nationals to have at least 15 TABs in each game. They responded by posting 25 TABs in a four-inning game, winning 13-4 in a game shortened due to the time limit.

It was a big day for the 919 defense, as they played an error-free game and also teamed up on an important double play while giving up just one free base on a wild pitch. The offense, meanwhile, took advantage of seven Storm walks, three errors, a hit by pitch and a balk. 

Game 1 919 Nationals scoring plays
First inning
Bryce started his 4-for-4 day with a single, then stole second. A fielder's choice moved him to third. Gavin walked and stole second. Andrew walked. Brady worked an RBI walk. JT hit an RBI fielder's choice. JT stole second. Colin, Asher and Elias walked. Wild pitches scored Brady and JT.
Score after one-half inning: 919 Nationals 4, SW Storm 0

Second inning
Bryce tripled and scored on a wild pitch. Banks was hit by a pitch, then stole second and third. Gavin smashed an RBI triple. Andrew's fielder's choice scored Gavin. Brady reached on a shot through the left side, then stole second. A wild pitch moved him to third, and he scored on a throwing error. 
Score after one and a half innings: 919 Nationals 8, SW Storm 1

Third inning
Bryce tripled (yes, again). Banks doubled him home.
Score after two and a half innings: 919 Nationals 9, SW Storm 1

Fourth inning
With two outs, Colin dropped a nice bunt and then stole second. Asher reached on a ball through the right side that scored Colin. A balk moved Asher to second. Elias singled him home. Elias stole second and third. Cameron walked. Bryce singled in Elias. Banks singled home Cameron. 
Score after three and a half innings: 919 Nationals 13, SW Storm 4

Pitching Performances
Brady started and went two strong innings.

Elias pitched the third and ended it with a strikeout.

JT struck out two of the three hitters he faced in the fourth.

Dugout Wisdom
These early morning games are tough on the coaches. That can only explain why, with Banks at the plate, Coach Sean cheered him on from the first base coaching box by saying, "Come on, Baker!" Look, we all know Baker is talented, but maybe it's not time for him to play 11U just yet.

That had the lead in the Dugout Wisdom category until midway through the game. Elias asked a question about a scoring detail, and after I replied, he said without hesitation, "Coach Adam, you're like a woman, you're always right." I'm just guessing he has heard that from John at some point

Also, this conversation was had at one point:

Andrew: "Remember during the regular season when our team (the Grasshoppers) would always cheer, 'Good eye, good eye, good eye, ball!'?"

Gavin: "That was SO annoying."

Andrew: "Yeah. It was great." 

Game 1 Web Gems
  • Great pickoff by Brady at first base, nabbing the leadoff man in the second to allow Banks to fire to Gavin at second to make the tag and get the first out.
  • With a runner on third in the third and nobody out, Elias coaxed a fly ball to medium left field to Banks. Obviously having never seen a 919 practice, the runner tagged up and tried to score. But Banks fired a perfect one-hop strike to Asher, who applied the tag for the double play.
Game 1 line score
919 Nationals
SW Storm

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