Saturday, October 24, 2015

Winter World Series Game 2: RBA South 6, 919 Nationals 5

The 919 offense never really got on track, and one more comeback fell just short as RBA South took a 6-5 win in the second game of pool play in Tarboro at the Winter World Series.

The Nats fell behind 3-1 in the first and mustered just four hits for the game and posted only 11 TABs. They spent the entire afternoon trying to battle back, but never were able to pull even. The time limit eventually expired in the bottom of the fifth.

The game was the third one-run game in 919's last four contests. The 1-1 record means 919 must wait for the outcome of the 2 p.m. games to learn seedings for the play-in round, but an 8:30 start tonight in Tarboro appears likely. The full bracket is available here.

Game 2 919 Nationals scoring plays
First inning
Banks walked, moved to second on a wild pitch, advanced to third on a passed ball, and scored on Chace's fielder's choice.
Score after one-half inning: 919 Nationals 1, RBA South 0

Fourth inning
Gavin led off with a single and went to second on an error. A balk moved him to third, and then he sprinted home with some mid-air jukes to score the run.
Score after three and a half innings: RBA South 3, 919 Nationals 2

Fifth inning
Colin worked a one-out walk and stole second. Asher singled. Elias blasted an RBI double. Banks coaxed a two-out walk. Gavin singled in a pair.
Score after four and a half innings: RBA South 6, 919 Nationals 5

Pitching Performances
Ben started and picked up a strikeout.

JT came in for two and a third innings of excellent scoreless relief.

Colin picked up the leadoff out in the fourth.

Bryce worked out of trouble in the fourth and escaped a jam.

Dugout Wisdom
One of the few highlights actually came in the field, not in the dugout. With runners on first and second, the RBA hitter slapped a grounder to second. Bryce flipped to Gavin, but the umpire called him safe. The following conversation ensued:
Coach Kevin: "What did you see?"
Umpire: "I saw him miss the tag on the runner."
Coach Kevin: "OK. Except it was a force."
Umpire: "Oh."

To their credit, the umpires then talked it out and got the call correct. It turns out it is indeed a force when a runner goes from first to second. The more you know.

Game 2 Web Gems
  • Asher threw to Bryce at third, who applied the quick tag to get a runner stealing third in the first.
  • JT came flying in from the pitcher's mound with a diving effort to snag a pop fly just before it hit the dirt. 
  • Good play by the home plate umpire to kill a bee while Chace was at bat. 
Game 2 line score
919 Nationals
RBA South

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